4 min read
21 Mar

First: Let's get the basics correct. You will hear from people who have no knowledge of what pH is and the measure of pH.

Source: pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution (Water in this case). Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with a low concentrations of H+ ions have a high pH.

From the Source: table you will notice a few relationships: 

  1. A difference of one (1) pH unit (ie from pH 2 to pH 3) is a ten fold (10X) difference in H+ ion concentration. 
  2. Pure water usually is and should have a pH of 7.0
  3. Solutions with a pH below 7.0 are termed acidic and solutions with a pH above 7.0 are termed basic

Second: Walk into a convenience store and go to the drink cooler. You'll probably see an array of choices. Natural spring water is much higher priced than generic brands, but it also boasts to be from natural springs. Natural springs bottled water is usually marketed as alkaline water.

pH Scale
  1. To understand the recent trend of drinking water, we need to understand some fundamental acid-based chemistry. H+ concentration has a higher pH known as Alkaline.
  2. pH measures the concentration of free hydrogen ions in a solution. The equations for analyzing the concentration of hydrogen ions are complex, so the number we use for pH is inverse to (or the reverse of) the amount of hydrogen ions in the substance. Having a lot of hydrogen ions means the solution is very acidic and that it has a low pH. Solutions with very few hydrogen ions are not acidic and have a high pH.
  3. We call solutions that have a low pH acidic, and we call solutions that have a high pH basic, or alkaline. Basic solutions have a lot of hydroxide ions, which have a negative charge. The scale for pH ranges from 0 (the most acidic) to 14 (the most basic). A solution with a pH of 0 is pure sulfuric acid, or close to the acid in our stomachs, which has a pH of 1.5-3.5! A solution with a pH of 14 is pure sodium hydroxide. Our bodies, for reference, have a pH around 7, and most tap water is a similar pH. Alkaline water, in contrast, usually has a pH around 9.


Water that is slightly basic contains basic minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or bicarbonate. These compounds bind to hydrogen ions in solution, making the water increase in pH.

So, how do we get alkaline water if normal tap water is at about neutral pH? 

Natural alkaline water sources are usually springs, or a reservoir of natural water underneath the earth's surface. The rock structures holding the water may have basic minerals, such as calcium or limestone, that leak into the water, increasing the pH. 

Some companies add minerals to the water to make it Alkaline. Water can also be ionized, meaning it is broken up into hydrogen ions and H+ (hydroxide ions). The hydrogen ions are bound by minerals in the water, which makes the water Alkaline.

However, not all water has these minerals. Tap water will have a lower pH, because there are no minerals attached to the hydrogen ions.


Mildly alkaline water (pH 8-10) is marketed as healthy drinking water.1 It is produced from water ionizers via electrolysis.Alkaline water containing molecular hydrogen H+ is produced at the negative electrode (cathode).3 There are many names given to this water including: alkaline water,4 ionized water,5 alkali ion water,6 cathodic water,7  electrolyzed reduced water,9 and many more.

Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) is the most common term in the scientific literature.1 It is called “electrolyzed” because the water has undergone electrolysis and is called “reduced” because the water at the cathode has been reduced to hydrogen gas and hydroxides.

Talking about Alkaline: Some Fruits & Dry fruits and even vegetables are naturally Alkaline

pH Alkaline food chart

Nano Filtration retains essential minerals (Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium) naturally available in water and makes water Alkaline. 

Water pH Scale

Nano Filtration is an effective water filtration method which employs a combination of nanofiltration and ionization. Nanofiltration has a filtration pore size of around 0.001 microns. It effectively removes all contaminants like bacteria, protozoa and viruses as well as most natural organic matter, especially divalent ions, therefore softening water

Reverse Osmosis vs Nano pH Filtration System


Reverse Osmosis (RO)Nano pH 
Reduce Virus/Bacteria/CystsYesYes
Lead ReductionYesYes
Allows Low Line pressureNoYes
Maintain naturally available minerals
in water (Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium)
Water Waste/BackwashYesNo
Maintain Water pHNoYes
Depth Filtration ReliabilityNoYes
Small FootprintNoYes
Require a Storage TankYesNo
Resistant to biofoulingNoYes

A study published by the World Health Organization cautions against drinking acidic or demineralized water (meaning water with no mineral content)

In most countries use of Reverse Osmosis (RO) purifiers are very dominant and commonly used and marketed as the best purified water. 

Some major brands remineralizes the RO water using mineral filter / port/cartridge and some even use chemicals 

Here's a take away for you to understand how acidic our body becomes with the food and drink we consume on a daily basis

Acidic pH Food Chart

Download Link to Free PDF pH Food Chart